一个人坐在电脑前, 在键盘上打字, 他们旁边的桌子上放着一本医学编码信息的书


Maintain and protect patient data as a health information technology (HIT) professional. In this career, you will analyze and translate healthcare data to show trends and patterns. That information will help providers make treatment decisions and provide quality care. You'll also learn how to store and retrieve patient data under confidentiality laws.

火博体育为这个高要求的职业做好准备. You can complete our Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Health Information Technology in just two years. We offer HIT courses 100% online, and you'll complete a 40-hour internship for firsthand experience.


HIT专业人员对医疗保健系统的运作至关重要. 他们管理电子健康记录和其他医疗软件. 他们的工作确保:

  • 医生和病人可以访问健康信息
  • 医疗服务提供者从保险公司获得报销
  • 患者数据是私密且安全的

通过参加哈工大项目,你将成为该领域的专家. 通过您的课程,您将:

  • 培养领导和管理技能
  • 学习医疗编码的来龙去脉
  • 学习如何管理数据,以便有效地存储和访问数据

在完成健康信息技术的副学士学位后, you will be eligible to take the Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) exam from the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). With the RHIT credential, you can start your career as a health information technology professional.



SJC提供其健康信息技术课程100%在线. You can take classes in a way that best fits your schedule from anywhere in the world! 我们的教师是在线教学的专家, and they'll stay connected to you even while you are working at a distance. 通过我们完全在线的HIT课程,在SJC获得灵活的学习选择.


获得第一手经验,为你未来的职业生涯做准备. 您将通过AHIMA虚拟实验室完成模拟, 并练习用现实世界的技术对病人的病例进行编码. You'll also complete a 40-hour internship to gain skills in a professional setting. You'll build your skills and confidence to prepare you for your future career.


Our online Health Information Technology program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM). 这意味着课程符合他们的高水平教育标准. Our excellent curriculum and expert instructors will prepare you to pass the RHIT exam so you can be a registered health information technology professional.


因为 SJC的低学费, the Health Information Technology AAS is an excellent investment for you. 州内学费(包括杂费和书本费)估计为9400美元. Out-of-state tuition (including fees and books) is estimated to be $17,000. If you are a New Mexico resident, you may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM机会和彩票奖学金


Study about health information technology, from medical codes to data management. SJC's HIT AAS program will give you the skills you need to succeed in this field.


  • 编码分类系统:CPT-4、HCPCS、ICD-10-CM、ICD-10-PCS
  • 数据管理
  • 疾病和药物对人体的影响
  • 医疗报销
  • 卫生统计
  • Legal processes and the use of legal documents impacting health information and health care
  • 组织管理与领导
  • 质量改进


  • 准确分配医疗代码
  • 分析和解释健康数据
  • 遵循道德和法律惯例和政策
  • 管理公司资源
  • 保护健康信息
  • Understand reimbursement methodologies as part of revenue cycle management
  • 验证医疗记录的质量、完整性和准确性



火博体育毕业后继续你的教育. 我们鼓励毕业生使用 CAHIIM网站上的程序目录 to find an accredited bachelor's degree or master's program in their area or online. 你可以在各个领域找到调动的机会, 包括健康信息管理, 信息学, 健康管理.


数字记录帮助医疗保健实现了现代化. Be a part of developing and maintaining efficient systems as a HIT professional. 劳工统计局的项目 employment of health information technologists and medical registrars to grow 17% from 2021 to 2031. This is much faster than the average for all occupations and shows the high demand for this career.

Anywhere health data exists, there is a need for health information professionals. 许多健康信息专业人员能够在家工作, 对于那些寻找灵活工作的人来说,这是一个理想的选择.

By completing SJC's online associate degree in Health Information Technology program, 你就有资格参加RHIT考试. With the RHIT credential, you will qualify for health information technology jobs.
Industries with an increased demand for health information professionals include:

  • 学术机构
  • 咨询机构
  • 政府机构
  • 医疗组织
  • 医疗软件公司


  • 癌症注册
  • 编码的专业
  • 数据分析师
  • 电子健康记录实施专家
  • 健康信息管理记录分析员
  • 卫生信息技术人员
  • 保险理赔专员
  • 医师编码依从性专家
  • 发布信息专员



  • 保持率: 79%
  • 毕业率: 75%(学生在正常/平均时间内完成学业)
  • 毕业生满意度: 100%
  • RHIT考试合格率: 44%
  • 就业率: 75%
  • 学历: 28
  • 注册MDCD证书: 22


SJC的健康信息技术课程是选择性的. 我们每学期招收的学生数量有限, 你必须满足特定的要求才能申请. 在这里了解入学要求和申请流程.

Once admitted to the program, students must complete all HIT AAS coursework within three years. They must also complete each course with a "C" or better and maintain an overall minimum GPA of 2.75. 学生可以重复一次课程,共两次尝试. 请注意,课程只在网上提供.


  • To be considered for fall admission, you must apply to the HIT program by 6月15日.
  • To be considered for spring admission, you must apply to the HIT program by 10月15日.

了解更多信息, contact the Health Information Technology Department at (505) 566-3851 or email us at hitp@kuanlin-engineering.net.



  第一学期(13学分) 第二学期(13学分) 第三学期(12学分) 第四学期(13学分) 第五学期(12学分) 总成本
学费 $861 $861 $809 $861 $809  
费用 $70 $0 $49 $0 $229  
$440 $400 $1,450 $1,170 $1,370  
总计 $1,371 $1,261 $2,308 $2,031 $2,408 $9,379


  第一学期(13学分) 第二学期(13学分) 第三学期(12学分) 第四学期(13学分) 第五学期(12学分) 总成本
学费 $2,437 $2,437 $2,273 $2,437 $2,273  
费用 $70 $0 $49 $0 $229  
$440 $400 $1,450 $1,170 $1,370  
总计 $2,947 $2,837 $3,772 $3,607 $3,872 $17,035


CAHIIM认证项目标志The Health Information Management accreditor of 火博体育 is the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM). The College’s accreditation for the associate degree in Health Information Management has been reaffirmed through 2029-2030.

All inquiries about the program’s accreditation status should be directed by mail to CAHIIM, 233 N. Michigan Avenue, 21st Floor, Chicago, IL, 60601; by phone at (312) 235-3255; or by email at info@cahiim.org.


Be sure you have completed all of our admission requirements before applying to our Health Information Technology program. 如果您有任何问题,您也可以联系HIT项目.


To enroll in the Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Information Technology, 你必须先申请火博体育. 这很容易,你可以随时在网上申请! Be prepared to send all official transcripts to 火博体育 招生.


If you have already completed the Health Information Technology AAS program prerequisites, 你可以提交项目申请.



电话: (505) 566-3320


m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
